Part 27: Like a cat
We have some more people to pick up this update, but before we do that, let's read some letters!
If you don't know these things, don't expect me to have an answer! This is the Rune of Gameplay/Story Segregation, not the Rune of Random Rooms Popping Up In Strange Places.

Right you are, Dario.

Stop asking me these things!
...and that's the lot of them. Boo.

Back at Kika's place, Katarina has recovered somewhat.


So Lazlo shows her.
I like to think he's giving her the finger at the same time.

Fun fact: as much as they bickered like an old married couple, the actual truth is that Glen was Katarina's father, which kind of explains why she's so upset about... things.

Why? Why did the Commander die and...
Why?! Why did you survive?!
Doesn't excuse her being a complete douche, though. Thanks a lot, Katarina, I hate you too.

This choice doesn't matter. Whatever he says, the scene continues the same way. I'll let you imagine which one we actually took.

Fuck no, you crazy bitch. what I'd like to be able to say.

But I don't, because I want the full set, damn it!

Katarina has a 4 in fire magic, but her stats aren't terribly impressive. Also, she joins at level 11.

Mr. Lazlo, please take me with you, too. I want to be with my fellow mermaids.
In Iluya's harbour, there's a free mermaid. She won't do anything special, but hey, at least she never threw me out on the goddamn ocean on a fucking raft, so she's welcome.

For our final, and best, recruits, we'll have to bring Chiepoo to Nay. There's no need to walk there, mind; just warp back to the ship after witnessing this scene and teleport to the Nay-kobold settlement. Faster, easier, less encounters.

There we go!

However, we do have to walk back, and here's the third and final reason why I love this bridge.


This is Nalkul. Nalkul is the coolest cat on Nay. Nalkul is the John Shaft of Nay-kobolds. Nalkul gets all the p... actually, let's not go there.

He bumps into us when we pass, all accidentally, like.

This is Champo.
He's... not Nalkul, unfortunately for him.

Nalkul thinks it's unfortunate, too.

And he falls flat on his face.

It seems that way.

He ignores us and keeps running after Nalkul.

Wait, didn't this pocket use to feel a lot more... full?

Why, that wily bastard!

We just have to chase after them back to town.

He grabs the seal and turns around...

...and suddenly, Chiepoo!

Oh, and Lazlo too.
(By the way, the video is totally worth watching.)

Chiepoo doesn't buy it.

He shoots!

He fumbles!

...and the mouse pushes it down... on the inside.

Lazlo nods.

Time for kitty beatdowns!

...we go inside and pick it up? Stop being so useless, Chiepoo.

And you guys... are those people?
Darn tootin'! You're in big trouble now.

Course we are! After all, it's me we're talking about.

If he had any brains, he'd have realized that it's just a lot of repetitive water texture out there and came back home long before now.

Whoops, what I mean is... We need to hurry and get the Golden Seal back!

There's actually a real cat hanging around this building, presumably to keep the rodent infestation in check.

Come on, I can't say no to those guys.

So now, we have another minigame. This one's okay - you run around as Champo and pick up mice.
The minigame also has its own music. Here, it's called The average cat is amazing!, but I've also seen this track translated as Leet cat skillz! All I have to say on this subject is that the latter translation would make more sense if it had been Nalkul's theme.

Champo can run and sneak (R1 and R2, respectively) but right now he only needs the former. We need to catch three mice and put them in the cage at the end of the room. Leave the cage unattended for too long, and the mice in it will start trying to break out. Also, free mice will sometimes try to break the cage from the outside. Either way, you need to go up and poke it to make them stop, but you also need to catch all the mice within the time limit.

Nothing too terribly exciting, but nothing too terribly exhausting either. From now on, we can come back here and play it again any time we like.

And so we get the golden seal back.

Cats acquired!

Nalkul is almost ninja-ishly fast, and hits reasonably hard without being totally shit at hitting things.

Champo is slower and weaker but more accurate and very resilient against magic.

As we set out again, the cats have a few parting words.

Heh... We gotta become like Mr. Chiepoo!

You know, Mr. Chiepoo didn't seem like someone who'd be out exploring the world...

And that is why I can't hate Nay-kobolds.

Finally, we'll head back to the war room to get our next story objective.

Besides, Obel, there are two other large islands in the area: Razril, which has been forsaken by Gaien, and Middleport.
I would definitely like to get these two on our side.

Lazlo doesn't care about being a knight any more.

Everyone just relax, I got this.

Pretty sure I already killed that. Onward!
But... you know, we finally have a mission where we have a fair number of usable recruits, so... what do you say we let the, well, masses decide who comes along this time?
Pick three characters from the list in the second post. (Don't expect too much out of this - I believe there is all of one line of dialogue for party members in the next update - but hey, it's an opportunity to see something new.) Do not vote for support characters.
...I should also mention that Lino will be forcing himself into the party for the next couple of missions, and while he's still available for this one if you really want, be aware that we'll be seeing more of him soon regardless.